Friday, July 23, 2010

Maitri's favourite ice cream and cookie

Determined to make my cookie looks better, I bought some cookie making mould. It turns out to look better, agreed? My son does not care about the looks, at least not at his age, he will eat anything when he is hungry even LIME. Eeee, sour! You can see the look at his face but he still wants it. Funny... Kat, is Chase eating the heart shape banana cookie? I guess not, I only saw him eating the flaxseed cracker.

For this round I added Carob to my banana cookie and it taste better, yummy! With the same recipes I also make it into ice cream, oh... it taste like chocolate ice cream... in lighter version. My son will point point to the cookie box whenever he saw it. I control the amount he eats. It is a good snack for him especially when I bring him out for a trip, it can quiet him down for a moment. He has a habit of depriving himself from food when he gets to play at his granny's house. But he cannot resist the ice cream and he will share it with his cousin...

RECEIPE : 50% Presoaked Cashew Nuts + 50% Banana + Agave Nectar + Carob Powder ---> blend them up and dehydrate or freeze it

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